
It's all about raw

The countdown has begun. In ten days, the international raw food fair Rohvolution® will run into her16th round and the capital Berlin will be for the 5th time the scene of the raw food lifestyle (on 16th and 17th March). For more information go to http://www.rohvolution.de/DieMesse/Berlin.aspx

Our RohKöstlich booth (# 356-358 in the hall) will present a lot of raw food treats and interesting special offers. The kitchen is "running hot" again and we will offer tasty food to the visitors.

After four years of absence from the workshop programme Nelly will be present on both days - Saturday, 16.03. 2013, 15.00-16.00 / workshop no. 211 and on Sunday, 17.03.2013, 12.00-13.00 / workshop no. 257 - with her new programme "Detox your Body" and will prepare and offer healthy treats to the participants.

Our team is highly motivated and is glad to welcome you at our booth. If you tell us the password "Toulouse" when visiting the booth, you will get a special drink per person.



It's all about motivation

A few days ago I was lucky enough to get to know an exceptional athlete who (inconsciously) really has motivated me in going further my way and keeping my dreams on.

This German athlete, Stefan Schlegel, wanted to complete one of his life-dreams and decided 2012 to participate (and finish) to the world's longest bicycle race "Race Across America - RAAM", certainly the hardest bicycle race worldwide. The solo racers have a maximum of twelve days and five hours to ride the RAAM distance. That mean they have to ride more than 400 kilometers a day, every day for almost 2 weeks. Crazy isn't it? And he's finished it at the 10th position (4.800 km in 11 days, 5 h. and 1 min.). For more information go to http://www.stefans-race.de/en/athlete

His plans are to start again 2014 and I invite you to support his efforts and follow him on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/StefansRace.de?fref=ts) or his website. It is worth it

„You can reach anything you want in your life, you just need to really want it!“ he says.

Do you have days where you don’t feel like doing what you know you need to do or you want to do? In the past I had a lot of such days and I know how difficult it is to motivate yourself. I don't have THE solution but beginning with small steps and working your way to the next level is worth the trouble.

What motivates YOU?



It's all about love

Months ago I had the idea of creating a blog for myself :-), for helping me staying focused on what I want to do, what I want to achieve this year. Even if I already have a blog it is one business related but is also referring to my passion and my work in this area. It's about raw food. Don't hesitate to have a look at it, I am sure you will find some inspiration as well: www.rohkoestlich.com. It is in German language.

Eat Play Enjoy (which was meant to be"and Joy" in my first thoughts) is more about my life, my life style, my experiences, my travels, my inspiration... about life in general. I will feature people who inspire me, I will show you new products I can't live without, I will take you to the places I love, I will interview people who motivate me, I will work with guest bloggers... all in one I will try to make this blog a wonderful place to stay. You are welcome!

The last year has shown how stressfull my life was and still is. Even if I can manage it quite well, sometimes it is too much. So, in the last months I decided to make small changes first and the results have shown that I'm going in the right direction.

In February I did a 28DayReset with the lovely Penni Shelton and the community really has helped me staying on track with the things I wanted to do. There are for sure still a lot of areas in my life I have to improve but this month was the kick-off for a new life. I've met wonderful people and I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with them.

Life is all about love, love what you do, love what you stand for or change it! If you really want something in life you can have it. So move your a... and enjoy life.

I hope you will have fun in reading Eat Play Enjoy. If you like it drop me a line and I will be happy to answer.
